School Protection Group has setup in the college inorder to provide safety to the students and to protect them from becoming victims of illegal activities.The responsibilities of this group include, to ensure traffic safety in the college surroundings, to collect information about students who go away from the college during working ours and loiter in the vicinity,to collect and communicate information regarding selling of drugs, narcotic substances, tobacco products,alcolocic bevarages and such other items and pornographic materials, and to keep watch persons whom befriend children with a view to misguide or exploit them for illegal or immoral activities. It is formed with the cooperation of Police Department, PTA and Local Self Government.

Dr. Gireesh Kumar G.S

Sri. Jithin Thomas Abraham
Assistant Professor

Smt. Dency Mathew

Sri. K P Reji
Sri. Santhosh

Dr. Santo Jose
Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce
Sub. Inspector of Police, Melukavu
Mr. Sajan A.S.I, C.R.D
Assistant sub-inspector of Police
Mr. College Union Chairman
Union Chairman
Mr. K.P Reji
Autorikshaw Driver