Henry Baker College, established in 1981, is a full-fledged and recognized Arts and Science College affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University. The College is situated in a picturesque location and is well-known for its captivating and tranquil atmosphere. We boast of a high-quality teaching-learning experience. The outstanding performance of our students in University exams and recognitions brought home by them in extracurricular activities truly affirm this fact. We strive to impart value-added education, blending Curricular and Co-curricular activities to the holistic development of students. We provide a liberal, lively and competitive environment enabling the students to carve out a distinct niche in their chosen arenas.
University Rank Holders

Ms. Salini S
Class: BA English
Year : 2004-2007
7th Rank Holder

Ms. Kavya Wilson
Class: MA History
Year :
4th Rank Holder

Ms. Vidya Vijayan
Class: B.Com Cooperation
Year : 2014-2017
1st Rank Holder

Ms. Ashitha Soman
Class: B.Com Cooperation
Year : 2014-2017
1st Rank Holder

Mr. Manuel Tomy
Class: BA English
Year : 2014-2017
7th Rank Holder

Ms. Lakshmipriya M
Class: BA English
Year : 2014-2017
7th Rank Holder

Ms. Annie V M
Class: BA English
Year : 2014-2017
6th Rank Holder

Ms. Aparna Merin Mathew
Class: M.Com Finance & Taxation
Year : 2014-16
3rd Rank Holder

Ms. Princy Mathew
Year : 2015 - 2018
3rd Rank Holder

Ms. Ashmin VS
Class: B.Com Cooperation
Year : 2015-2018
1st Rank Holder

Mr. Muhammed Anwer
Class: B.Com Cooperation
Year : 2015-2018
4th Rank Holder

Ms. Rifna V Subair
Class: B.Com Cooperation
Year : 2015-2018
2nd Rank Holder

Ms. Sunila Sunny
Class: B.Com Cooperation
Year : 2016-2019
3rd Rank Holder

Ms. Sruthy S
Class: B.Com Cooperation
Year : 2016-2019
5th Rank Holder

Ms. Renjana Suresh
Class: B.Com Cooperation
Year : 2016-2019
8th Rank Holder

Ms. Shilpa N Thomas
Class: BA English
Year : 2016-2019
7th Rank Holder

Ms. Archana P
Class: MA History
Year : 2018-2020
5th Rank Holder

Ms. Alphy Jacob
Class: B.Com Cooperation
Year : 2017-2020
4th Rank Holder

Ms. Litty Josh
Class: B.Com Cooperation
Year : 2017-2020
5th Rank Holder

Ms. Reshma Jayan
Class: MA History
Year : 2018-2020
7th rank holder